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Draft Water Rate Study Available for Review

Post Date: 09/19/2023

The Casitas Municipal Water District Board of Directors (Board) authorized a contract with Bartle Wells Associates to conduct a Cost of Service and Rate Design Study (Water Rate Study) to inform water rates for the next five years. The previous water rate study was conducted in 2017.

The scope of the study included updating the 10-year financial plan and developing a water rate structure sufficient to generate revenues needed to cover the cost of service and maintain the District’s financial reserves to policy levels.

A copy of the draft Water Rate Study and the notice of water rate increases are available in the sidebar for review.

On September 13, 2023, the Board discussed modification of the capital improvement program, a revised three-year schedule for proposed water rates, and scheduled a public hearing on December 13, 2023 to consider adoption of the proposed water rates. 

The draft Water Rate Study report is currently being revised to reflect the modified capital improvement program and three-year rate schedule. The updated report will be posted on the District's website prior to the public hearing.

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