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Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS

What is a Public Safety Power Shutoff ? (PSPS)

  • During high-risk conditions for a wildfire, SCE may temporarily shut off power to specific areas. This is intended to prevent SCE's system from becoming a source of ignition. Proactive shutoffs are temporary and meant to keep you and your community safe.
  • To learn more about PSPS, visit Southern California Edison's designated PSPS webpage here:

What does this mean for your water service?

  • Most PSPS notifications/warnings will not result in adverse conditions or restrictions to water available for Casitas customers.
  • During an active PSPS where power is shutoff, Casitas customers may be asked to restrict "non-essential" outdoor irrigation in order to conserve system storage capacity. This conservation will help ensure that available water resources are adequate to supply indoor needs and fire flow requirements.

What Casitas Municipal Water District is doing to prepare?

  • Standby generators have been acquired as back-up for emergency pumping.
  • In the event a preliminary PSPS notification is issued by SCE, CMWD staff will make changes to system reservoir levels to provide higher storage capacity.
  • CMWD's system can "backfeed" water into select zones of higher demand should an emergency arise which allows for increased access to stored water throughout the system.


How will I know if I am in an area being considered for a PSPS? 

Visit SCE's PSPS webpage to view impacted areas:

How will I know if I will need to restrict my water use to non-essential outdoor irrigation? 

If your cooperation is required to conserve water and restrict non-essential use during an active PSPS event, you will receive a notification from CMWD in the form of an automated or personal phone call.

How can I learn more? 


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